Around The World Countdown!

Around The 
World Countdown!

The Around The World Countdown works similar to other past 

FarmVille countdowns such as the recent  Serene Garden Countdown. 
12 days, 12 Prizes & 1 Bonus Prize!
Expected prizes:
745380b13cecca72b539e491c8e291c4 Around The World Countdown! ab0bbcaa777ad0d067fe47f9a2b506e3 Around The World Countdown! 99906358002c154c21a58c4bd46f3d4c Around The World Countdown! be582e5aa024b67678dc2e95ad1b1574 Around The World Countdown!

* Spanish Bull

* Moscow Tower
* Mexico Hand Tree
* Cow Sphinx
a79f311b730549c7ee124187ee4dc3c6 Around The World Countdown! 55e2b05184dd245cbbfbb9b5a123db0f Around The World Countdown! 208bfbe9f5cc1ef9679b8098fa2777b6 Around The World Countdown! 8837e101e1ef14c3d8d5721f1cb6160f Around The World Countdown!

* French Beret Sheep

* Swiss Cow
* Australian Boab Tree
* Amazon Waterfall
cc2b16f15d9820836e1f2031670a4d78 Around The World Countdown! 998eac877290d022042802ba0a8ddd67 Around The World Countdown! ccd6291a9830bdcf955ddde3723a0319 Around The World Countdown! 6e7f5e6aa33cc71c2cb0f1d4f450485a Around The World Countdown!

* Shaolin Duck

* Mongolia Gnome
* Scottish Terrier
* Thai Tuk Tuk

Bonus Prize:  

Roman Horse

c36901835e06f515d4e1a2913b369849 Around The World Countdown!
1 Around The World Countdown!

1 comment:

  1. can all my friends on farmville please help me achieve the around the world in 12 days
